Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Érb-a, s. f. dim. Érb-étta, Érb-icciuóla, Érb-olína, Érb-úccia, disp. Érb-áccia, herb, grass. La mal — cresce presto, ill weeds grow apace. Non è — del vostro orto, this is not of your making. Ogni — si conosce al seme, every tree is known by its fruit. Mangiarsi l'— e la paglia sotto,to dissipate one's estate. Consumare il grano in —, to spend one's earnings before they are due. Soffocare in —, to stifle in its birth. Dare l'— cassia, to deprive of office, dismiss. Erbe aquatiche, sea-weeds. Mal'—,nettle. — guada, isatis, woad. — benedetta,herb-bennet. — colombina, vervain. — giudaica, golden-rod. — giulia, water-hemp. — luccia, serpent-tongue. — santamaria,pennywort, wild mint. — cali, samphire, seafennel.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English