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Forms: giudicio (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Giudí-cio, Giudí-zío, s. m. disp. Giudí-ziáccio,
1. judgment, power of judging, reason, understanding; 2. deliberation, resolution; 3. judgment, opinion, mind; 4. judgment, prudence, discretion, good sense. Abbiate —, be prudent; 5. a court of judicature, the judges (collectively); 6. judgment, sentence, decree, decision. Gran —,the day of judgment, doomsday; 7. the ordeal by fire, water, or combat. Far —, to judge, try. Chiamare in —, to summon to appear in a court of justice. Dar —, to adjudicate. Mandar —, to punish.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
giudicio: a iudgement, a sentence, a doome. Also a place or seat of iustice or iudgement. Also wit, discretion, learning or skill. Also opinion, deeming, supposing or estimation.