Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Gámb-a, s. f. dim. Gámb-étta, Gámb-úccia, disp. Gámb-áccia,Gámb-eráccia , aug. Gámb-óne, the leg, shank. Darla a gambe, to run away. Mandar a gambe levate,to trip up one's heels. Guarda la —, take care what you are about. Andare di buona o mala —, to go willingly or unwillingly. Alzar le gambe, to consider attentively. Mettersi la coda tra le gambe, to be much afraid. Drizzar le gambe ai cani, to fatigue one's self in vain;
2. parts of various wooden instruments which resemble the leg. V. cocca, stipite, pedale, &c.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
gamba: a leg, a shanke. Also in mockerie vsed for Boccáta.