Frustum, frusti, n. ge. Cic.A peece: a gobbet.Frusta amplacasei ouilli proximi anni facito. Colum. Frusta meri bibunt. Ou. They drinke wine frozeu in lumps.Mocida frusta cærulei pauis. Iuuenal. Frustum hominis.Plaut.A little preatie fellow, that seemeth but a peece of a man.Librarium frustum. Col. Vide LIBRA. Rogare frusta. Iuuenal.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
frusto, āre, v. a., to break to pieces: cum Punicae praedae omnibus promontoriis insulisque frustarentur et fluitarent, etc., i. e.
the booty taken from the Carthaginians went to wreck and was driven in pieces on the promontories
, Flor. 2, 2, 32 (so acc. to the conjecture of Salmasius, Graevius, and others, instead of the common and certainly false reading, frustrarentur. N. Heinsius proposes eructarentur; v. eructo, II.).
frustum, i, n., a piece, bit (syn.: fragmentum, segmentum). I.Lit., of food (class.): frusto panis conduci potest, vel uti taceat, vel uti loquatur, Cato ap. Gell. 1, 15, 10: necesse est, offa objecta cadere frustum ex pulli ore cum pascitur, Cic. Div. 1, 15, 27: esculenta, id. Phil. 2, 25 fin. (also ap. Quint. 9, 4, 44): viscera pars in frusta secant, verubusque trementia figunt, Verg. A. 1, 212: lardi semesa frusta, Hor. S. 2, 6, 85: sunt qui frustis et pomis viduas venentur avaras, id. Ep. 1, 1, 78: capreae, Juv. 11, 142: nudum et frusta rogantem,
, id. 3, 210: solidae frusta farinae,
, id. 5, 68; cf. 14, 128.—II.Transf., in gen., a piece as a small part of a whole (very rare; not in Cic.): unde soluta fere oratio, et e singulis non membris sed frustis collata, structura caret, Quint. 8, 5, 27; so (opp. membra), id. 4, 5, 25; cf.: philosophiam in partes, non in frusta dividam, Sen. Ep. 89: frusta pannorum,