Forfex, fórficis, pen. cor. fœm. ge. Colum. A sisers or sheares.Forfex. Cels. A barbers instrument to pull out teeth.Forfex ferreus. Vitruuius. An iron hooke or crampern to take holde of a thing. Vide CHELONIA, cheloniorum.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
forfex, fĭcis, f. [forus-facio], a pair of shears or scissors: forfices sunt quibus incidimus: forcipes quibus aliquid firmum tenemus, Serv. ad Verg. A. 8, 453: vitiosa grana (in uva), forficibus amputant, Col. 12, 44, 4; Cels. 7, 21, 1: qualem (barbam) forficibus metit supinis Tonsor, Mart. 7, 95, 12; cf. Vitr. 10, 2, 2.—II.Transf.A.A claw of a crab: cancris bina brachia denticulatis forficibus, Plin. 9, 31, 51, 97; of a locust, id. 32, 11, 53, 148; of a beetle, id. 11, 28, 34, 97.—B. Perh., a kind of battle-array, v. forceps, II.