Foramen, pen. prod. foráminis, n. g. Cic.An hole.Foramina naturæ leporum. Varro. The priuities of.Foramen auditus. Plin. Holes in place of eares to heare by.Foramen ad excreméta corporis. Pli. An issue to auoide by.Parua foramina. Lucr. Præclusa foramina. Quin. Tenue foramen Ouid.
Foro, foras, forâre. Plaut.To pserce or boare a hole.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
fŏrāmen, ĭnis, n. [id.], an opening or aperture produced by boring, a hole (rare but class.): neque porta neque ullum foramen erat, qua posset eruptio fieri, outlet, Sisenn. ap. Non. 113, 27: foramina parietum et fenestrarum, Col. 9, 15, 10: inventa sunt in eo (scuto) foramina CCXXX., Caes. B. C. 3, 53, 4: tibia tenuis simplexque foramine pauco, Hor. A. P. 203; Ov. M. 4, 122: alii (scarabei) focos crebris foraminibus excavant, Plin. 11, 28, 34, 98: foramina illa, quae patent ad animum a corpore (shortly before, viae quasi quaedam sunt ad oculos, ad aures perforatae; and: quasi fenestrae sint animi), Cic. Tusc. 1, 20, 47. —II.Transf. in gen., an opening, hole, cave (late Lat.): petrae, Vulg. Exod. 33, 22; id. Jer. 13, 4.
fŏro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [root bhar-, Zend. bar-, cut, bore; Gr. far-, fa/ros, plough; cf. fa/ragc, fa/rugc; Germ. bohren; Angl.-Sax. borian; Engl. bore], to bore, pierce (mostly post-Aug. and very rare). I.Lit.: forata arbos, Col. 5, 10, 20: bene foratas habere aures, Macr. S. 7, 3; Cels. 7, 29; Sid. Ep. 9, 13.—Comically: o carnificum cribrum, quod credo fore: Ita te forabunt patibulatum per vias Stimulis, Plaut. Most. 1, 1, 53.—II.Trop.: forati animi, full of holes, i. e. that retain nothing, Sen. Brev. Vit. 10.