Exporrigo, exporrigis, pe. cor. exporrexi, expotrectum, exporrigere, quod & exporgere dicitur. Plin. To excende or stretch out: to prolong.Exporrigere frontem dicimur, quum hilarescimus.Terent.To shew a merie countenaunce: to be iocunde & pleasant.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
ex -porrĭgo, rexi, rectum, 3 (contr. imper. exporge, Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 53), v. a., to stretch out, spread out, extend (ante-class. and post-Aug.). I.Lit.: equites in longitudinem, Auct. B. Afr. 78, 4: munitiones, id. 42 fin.: crura exporrigentia se, Plin. 11, 48, 108, 216: se (polypi), id. 9, 30, 48, 91: hinc orti montes longo se jugo exporrigunt, Mel. 1, 19, 13: sesamam in sole, Plin. 18, 10, 23, 98: illic purpureo latus exporrecta cubili,
stretched out
, Prud. Hamart. 856: exporrecto labello, i. e.
, Pers. 3, 82: exporge frontem, i. e.
clear up
, Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 53. — II.Trop.: menses et annos et longam seriem, Sen. Brev. Vit. 9: secundum vires tuas exporrigens da pauperi, Vulg. Sirach, 14, 13.