[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]  |
MorphologyDictionary- Charlton T. Lewis: An Elementary Latin Dictionary
- Cooper: Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Brittanicae
- Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
- ĕphēmĕris, ĭdis, f., = e)fhmeri/s, a day-book, diary, ephemeris (cf.:
commentarius, tabulae, scriptio, acta, etc.)
, Cic. Quint. 18, 57; Nep. Att. 13, 6; Sen. Ep. 123; Plin. 29, 1, 5, 9; Prop. 3 (4), 23, 20; Ov. Am. 1, 12, 25 al.: ephemeridas ejus vitae composuit, Treb. Poll. Gallien. 18, 6.
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