Duplus, Adiect. vt. Dupla pars. Cic.The double: twise so much.Dupla agnina.Plaut.Duplo & triplo interuallo. Ci. Twise or thrise so much space betweene.Duplum. dupli, n. g. Substant. The double. vt, Condemnati dupli ea forma dictum, qua condemnari capitis. Cato. To be caste: to pay double.Pœna duplici.Cic.Duplo maior, Plin.Mare than twise so great.Ire in duplum.Cic. Reddere duplum. Plin.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
dūplus, a, um, adj. [duplex], double, twice as large, twice as much.I.Adj.: dupla et tripla intervalla, Cic. Univ. 7: pars, id. ib.: scrobes, Plaut. Fragm. ap. Prisc. p. 751 P.: pecunia, Liv. 29, 19: donativum, Suet. Dom. 2.—II.Subst.A. dūplum, i, n., the double of any thing: a terra ad lunam centum viginti sex milia stadiorum esse, ab ea usque ad solem duplum, Plin. 2, 21, 19, 83; Plaut. Poen. 1, 1, 56: furem dupli condemnari, feneratorem quadrupli, Cato R. R. praef.; Cic. Off. 3, 16, 65: decrevit, ut, si judicatum negaret, in duplum iret, id. Fl. 21: in duplum, Dig. 40, 12, 20 al.: duplo major, Plin. 27, 11, 74, 98.—B. dūpla, ae, f. (sc. pecunia), a double price, Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 39; Varr. R. R. 2, 10, 5; Dig. 21, 1, 31, 20; cf. ib. 21, 2, 6 tit.: de evictionibus et duplae stipulatione.—Hence, adv.: dūplo, doubly, twofold, Vulg. Matt. 23, 15.