Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Díre, v. a. (dic-o, -i, -e, -ciamo, dite, -cono, imperf. diceva, &c., pass. dis-si, -se, -sero, fut. dirò, &c., imper. di tu, dica egli, &c., part. detto,)
1. to tell, say, speak, talk, relate. Pigliar a —, to begin to speak. Venir a —, to express. Aver che —, to have something to say. Voler —, to mean, signify. Che vuol — ciò?what is the meaning of this? Aver che — con alcuno, to have a dispute with any one. Non c'è che dire, there is no fault to be found. — a bocca, to say by word of mouth. — addio,to take leave of a person, to bid farewell to. Dir villania, to abuse, revile, call names. Di<*> male, to slander. Dir bene, to praise. Andar dicendo, to give out, spread a report. Dir di sì, to say, yes. Dir di nò, to say, no; 2. to own, confess; 3. to tell, speak of, mention; 4. to answer; 5. to bid. Digli di venire domani,bid him come to-morrow; 6. (comm. t.) to have the commission for, the care or management of; 7. to call, name. Ciò vien detto così in Italiano, this is so called in Italian<*> Cioè a dire, that is to say, that is.
Donáre, s. m. a gift.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
dire: to say, to speake, to vtter, to report, to tell. Also to name, to call, to hight, or yelip, vsed also to discouer, or manifest by speech.