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Morphology- Lemmata
Forms: di-mensionem (data provider: donatus-sup), dimensio (data provider: perseus), dimension (data provider: donatus-sup), dimensione (data provider: perseus), dimensionem (data provider: donatus-sup), dimensionemque (data provider: donatus-sup), dimensiones (data provider: perseus), dimensioni (data provider: donatus-sup), dimensionibus (data provider: perseus), dimensionis (data provider: donatus-sup), dimensionum (data provider: donatus-sup)
Dictionary- Charlton T. Lewis: An Elementary Latin Dictionary
- Cooper: Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Brittanicae
- Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
- dīmensĭo, ōnis, f. [dimetior], a measuring. I. Prop.:
, Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 57.—II. Transf., the axis of the earth, Hygin. Astr. 1, 3.—2. Extent, dimensions, in gen., Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 6, 36; 2, 2, 3 al.—So plur. Amm. 23, 6, 11.—III. Trop.: vocum
, Quint. 9, 4, 45: versuum
, id. 48; cf. id. 52 and 85.
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