Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Dispó-rre, v. a. (V. porre,)
1. to dispose, resolve, regulate, order, decree; 2. to prepare, arrange, adjust, place in order, distribute, divide, arrange;3. to dispose, persuade, induce; 4. to depose, deprive of power; 5. to expose to danger, to peril; 6. (comm. t.) to remit money or bills; 7. to transplant, take away, lay aside(V. deporre); 8. to explain, declare, make known; v. r. 1. to prepare one's self, to make one's self ready; 2. to make up one's mind, come to the determination of...; s. m. Dispó-sitóre,f. Dispó-sitríce; adj. Dispó-nénte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English