Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Di, prep.
1. (a sign of the genitive case) of. — me, of me. — voi, of you; 2. with, by. Egli fu ferito — spada, he was wounded with a sword; 3. in. Così è — verità, it is thus, in truth; 4. sometimes di is understood. A casa questo, to this man's house; 5. for. E — certo se voi non foste venuto, and for certain had you not come; 6. than (importing comparison).Più ricco — me, richer than I. Maggiore di tuo fratello, older than thy brother;7. from. — giorno in —, from day to day. Mi fu tolto il cappello — testa, they took my hat from off my head; 8. Di is sometimes used rather for elegance' sake than from necessity. Sotto — me, under me; 9. to (when before the infinitive of a verb). Godo — vederla, I am glad to see you; 10. among. Il più cortese — quanti mai io ne vedessi, the most polite among all whom I have ever seen; 11. a particle of quantity, but not expressed in English. Jeri vi fu — molta gente nel parco,there were a great many people in the park yesterday.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English