Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Da, prep. The signification of da is various;
1. (signifying instrumentality or agency) by. Una lettera scritta — lui, a letter written by him. Ferito — una saetta, wounded by an arrow; 2. (denoting term, difference, separation) from.La marina — Reggio a Gaeta, the sea coast from Reggio to Gaeta. — sera a mattina, from evening until morning. Siete diverso assai — lui, you are very different from him; 3. (when used with numerals.) Fu tenuto in prigione — dodici mesi, he was kept in prison about ten months; 4. (signifying what is requisite or sufficient.) Dateci — cena, give us some supper;5. (signifying fitness, aptitude.) Quel signore è uomo — molto, that gentleman is a man of ability; 6. (signifying what is becoming, proper) like, upon. L'amo — fratello, I love himlike a brother. Mi trattò — principe, he treated me like a prince. Vi dico — uomo d'onore, I tell it you upon the faith of an honest man; 7. When joined with the personal pronouns me, te, se, loro, it signifies alone, without the aid of. Lo farò da me, I will do it myself; 8. (joined with a verb of motion and the pronouns, me, te, lui, noi, voi, loro) at, in to the house of. Andate — mio padre, go to my father's; 9. (before words signifying the use, employment or destination of a thing) for.Carta — scrivere, writing paper. Camera — letto, bedroom. Ragazza — maritare, a marriageable girl; 10. (joined with the infinitive of a verb implying necessity or convenience) to be. Queste non sono cose — fare, these things are not to be done; 11. among, in; 12. (signifying the birthplace) of. — Londra, a native of London; 13. (signifying proximity) by, near. — casa sua passando, passing by or near his house.
Dáre, s. m. (comm. t.) debit.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
da: before any number, about, Sono da uenti, they are about twenty.
dare: or détti, Dáto, to giue. Also to hit or strike. Also to deale the cardes.