Crusta, crustæ, f. g. Virgil. Plin. The vpper part of euery thing that is not eaten. The harde shell, pill, or crust that any thing is couered with: bullions or ornamentes of plate, that may be taken of: the scurfe or scabbe of a wounde: the playster of a wall or rough casting.Crustæ & emblemata argenti cælati.Cic.Bullions and ornaments of plate grauen.Heliadum crustæ capaces. Iuuenal. Marmoreæ crustæ. Vlpian. Shardes of marble.Tenuis crusta.Senec.Crustæ parietum. Plin. The playstering parietting, or rough laying of walles. Crusta. Cels. The scurfe and scabbe of a wounde.Resoluere crustas. puras. Cels. To resolue scablies.Crusta intecta quædam piscium genera. Plin. Pilles of certaine fishes, as of crauishes, &c.
Crusto, crustas, crustâre. To parget or playster: to set a cruste vpon. vt Crustare parietes. Plin. Or to rough lay: to pariet walles, or lay thinne shardes of stones vpon walles, as they did in olde tyme.Crustare mala gypso vel cera. Plin. To couer apples with ware to preserue and keepe them.
Crustum, crusti, neut. gen. Virg.A crust of breade or of meate costed.Distringe liuius panis crustum.Chippe this breade.Crústulum li, n cor. Dimiuumum. Hor. A wafer or like thinne cake o be giuen to children.Crustula lambere. Iuuenal.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
crusta, ae, f. [cf. crudus], the hard surface of a body, the rind, shell, crust, bark, etc. I. In gen.: luti, Lucr. 6, 626; cf. soli, Dig. 39, 2, 9: panis, Plin. 19, 8, 53, 168: glandis, id. 15, 28, 34, 112: piscium, id. 9, 28, 44, 83: locustarum, id. 9, 30, 50, 95: ulcerum,
the scab
, Cels. 5, 9; cf. id. 5, 10: fluminis, a covering or crust of ice, Verg. G. 3, 360 et saep.—II. In partic., t. t. of plastic art, inlaid, chased, or embossed work on walls or vessels, plasterwork, stucco-work, mosaic work: parietis, Plin. 35, 12, 45, 154; cf. id. 36, 6, 7, 48: quae (vasa) probarant, eis crustae aut emblemata detrahebantur, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 23, 52; Plin. 36, 6, 6, 47; 36, 6, 7, 48: capaces Heliadum crustae, Juv. 5, 38; Dig. 34, 2, 32, 1.— B.Trop.: non est ista solida et sincera felicitas; crusta est et quidem tenuis, plaster- or outside-work, Sen. Prov. 6, 3; cf. tectorium.
crusto, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [crusta], to cover with a rind, shell, incrustation, plaster-work, embossed figures, etc. (post-Aug.): mala gypso, Plin. 15, 17, 18, 64: domum marmoribus,