Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cróc-e, s. f. dim. Cróc-ellína, Cróc-étta, Cróc-ína, aug. Cróc-ióne,
1. a cross. Tagliare una cosa in —, to cut a thing cross-wise. Far delle braccia —, to cross one's arms; 2. cross made by the Roman Catholics in the act of devotion; 3. crucifix.Santa —, criss cross row, Christ cross row; 4. cross, pain, affliction. Ognuno ha la sua —,every one has his troubles. Far —, to pray earnestly. Prender la —, to take the cross, enter any religious military order. A occhio e —, at the worst.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
croce: any kind of Crosse. Also torment or torture.