Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Corón-a, s. f. dim. Corón-élla, Corón-étta, Corón-icína, aug. Corón-cióne,
1. crown, diadem; 2. the royal dignity, crowned head; 3. glory, honour; 4. circumference, circle; 5. garland, wreath; 6. tonsure of a catholic priest; 7. (arch. t.) entablature;8. chaplet, beads. Tagliare a —, to lop a tree round. Portar —, to come off conqueror. Dar —, to acknowledge, reward, merit. — vedova, a kingdom deprived of its sovereign.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
corona: a Crowne, a Diadem, a Circlet, a wreath, agarland or chaplet wherewith Princes be crowned. Also a chaplet or garland of flowres. Also a companie, a crew, a circle or round of persons standing round about one. Also a piece of coine called a Crowne. Also a set or perfect paire of beades. Also a round circle or compasse about the Moone. Also a signe in heauen vpon the shoulder of Artophilax. Also the round circle betweene the white and the apple or sight of the eye. Also the brow of a wall, or ledge and cornish about any roome that is tapistred. Also a pillar to cast off the raine. Also the beginning, ioyning or crowne of the hoofe of a horse. Also a thicke and pointing processe of bones much like to the snag of a Harts-horne. Also the brim, edge or tip of a pot. Also the circlet about any thing or vessell.