Concido, cóncidis, cóncidi, pen. cor. concâsum, concídere, Ex Con & Cado compositum. Cic.To fall downe: to die: to faint.Grauiter concidere. Lucret. To haue a great fall.Grauiter ad tetram concidere.Virg.To haue a great fall to the ground.Ad Deum concidit hostia. Tib. The beast was sacrificed.Concidere ex animi terrore. Lucret. In humo concidit sanguinolentus.Ouid.He fell downe.In ipso loco concidit pronus.Virg.He fell flatte.Concidere sub onere.Liu.To fall downe vnder his burden.Repentè equus concidit.Cic. Concidere, Mori. Columel. To die: to fall dead.Arcu concidere. Claud. To be killed with a bowe.Armis concidere. Valer. Flac. To be slaine in fight.Ictu fulminis concidere. Lucr. To be killed with lightning.Macie concidere.Ouid.To die for hunger.Concidere vulneribus.Cic.To be womided to death.In prælio concidere.Cic. Animus concidit.Cic.His heart is done: o his hart fayleth him.Mens debilitata metu concidit.Cic.His hart fayleth him for feare.Vita concidit. Lucret. He died.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
con-caedes, ium (sing. abl. concaede, Amm. 16, 12, 15), f., an abattis, barricade of felled trees (post-Aug.), Amm. 16, 12, 15; 17, 10, 6.—Plur., Veg. Mil. 3, 22; Tac. A. 1, 50; Amm. 16, 11, 8.