Cómmodus, pen. cor. Adiect. Profitable: commodious: pleasaunt: feate: apre: handsome: good to agree with: tractable: easte to be pleased: benigne: humaine: gentle.Sodalibus commodus. Hor. Benigne, curteyse and gentle vnto his fellowes.Commodus capillus.Plaut.A bush trimmed and kempt.Commodus conuiua.Plaut.An honest guest not curious to please.Commodus homo. vt, Commodus conuiua. Plaut.A reasonable man, gentle and tractable.Literæ commodæ.Cic.Such letters as a man desireth.Locus commodior.Ouid.More fit and conuentent.Commoda & faceta est hæc meretrix Ter.A pleasant and mery dame.Stella homini commoda. Prop. A luckie and fortunate star.Nõ commoda terra Baccho.Virg.Not good to plãt vines in.Commoda valetudo. Cels. Good health.Vestis commoda ad cursum.Ouid.Handsome and easie to runne in.