[Remark: this dictionary entry has no valid XML/HTML content in database so a text version of this entry is shown.]: <orth>Commentárius</orth>, m. g. vel Commentárium, commentárij n. g. Suet. <p> <sense><trans lang="en">Abridgement or booke containing things briesly written: A booke of notes or remembrance: a register. A briefe historie containing the actes of any person. A briefe note of instruction. A comment or exposition.</trans> <I>Diurni commentarij.</I> Suet. <trans lang="en">A iournall containing things for euery day.</trans> <I>Commentarij authorum.</I> Plin. <trans lang="en">Bookes of notes that authors make.</trans> <I>Grammaticorum commentarij.</I> <bibl><author>Quintil.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Shortnotes of grammer: grammarians workes.</trans> <I>Pontificum commentarium.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">The register of.</trans> <I>Rerum vrbanarum commentarium.</I> Cælius <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">A booke or register wherein the actes of the citie are briefly noted.</trans> <I>In Rhetotum commentarijs consenescere.</I> Quint. <I>Commentarium paulò plenius.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Notes of remembrance somewhat largely written.</trans> <I>A commentacijs.</I> Vide A. <I> Summatim breuitér</I><03> de vita alicuius cõmentariÛ componere. Suet. <trans lang="en">To make short and briefe notes of ones life.</trans> <I>Conficere commentarios.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To draw out a briefe memoriall of things.</trans> <I>Publicis commentarijs consignati fundi.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Registers.</trans> <I>Breuiores commentarios facere.</I> Quint. <I>Ex commentatio dictaturam gerere.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>In commentarijs antiquis inuenire aliquid.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">In olde registers.</trans> <PB> <I>Legere commentarios Atistotelicos.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">His bookes.</trans> <I>Ex commentarijs quærere aliquid.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To seeke out of the registers or bookes.</trans> <I>Referre in commentarios.</I> Traianus ad Plin. <trans lang="en">To register: to write into a briefe cronicle or like booke.</trans> <I>Manu sua referre in commentarium aliquid.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To write into a booke with his owne hande.</trans> <I>In commentarium principis referre aliquem.</I> Modest. <I>Regere aliquid in commentarios.</I> Quint. <I>Rerum suarum commentarios relinquere.</I> Suet. <trans lang="en">To leaue briefe notes of his actes.</trans> <I>In commentarijs alicuius reperite aliquid.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Scribere commentarios, Idem quod consicere.</I> <bibl><author>Plin. iun.</author></bibl> <I>Superare memoriam aliquorum commentario.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>In commentarijs breuiter rangere locum aliquem.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Voluere commentarios alicuius.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <I> Commentatius, Pro compendiosa historia, quales sunt Commentarij Cæsatis.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">A briefe historie.</trans> <I>Ex annalium monumentis, atque ex regum commentarijs conquirere aliquid.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Dut of princes registers.</trans> <I> Commentaria componere in authorem aliquem.</I> Gell. </sense>
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
commentārĭus, ii, m. (sc. liber; both together, Gell. 13, 20, 17); commentā-rĭum, ii, n. (sc. volumen, Varr. L. L. 6, 90 Müll.; Cic. Brut. 44, 164; cf. commentariolum) [commentor]. I. Orig. a note-book, sketch-book, memorandum: diurni,
a journal
, Suet. Aug. 64.—II. As the title of a book on any subject, but esp. historical, which is only sketched down or written without care (mostly in plur.), a sketch, a paper, memoirs, a commentary, etc., Cic. Fam. 5, 12, 10; Liv. 42, 6, 3; Quint. 2, 11, 7; 3, 8, 58; 3, 8, 67; 8, 2, 12; 10, 7, 30 al.; Tac. A. 6, 47; Suet. Tib. 61 et saep. Thus the two works of Cæsar upon the Gallic and civil wars are called Commentarii, commentaries, Cic. Brut. 75, 262; Hirt. and Asin. Pollio ap. Suet. Caes. 56.—Of a single book: superiore commentario, i. e.
in the Seventh Book
, Hirt. B. G. 8, 30; cf. Gai Inst. 2, 23; 2, 145.—B. Esp. 1.A commentary, exposition, brief explanation, annotation: commentarium in Vergilium, Gell. 2, 6, 1; cf. id. 1, 12; 1, 21.—2. In law, a brief, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 21, 54.—3.The day-book of an accounting officer, Inscr. Grut. 592, 4; Inscr. Orell. 2904.—4.A collection of examples or citations, Quint. 1, 8, 19.—5.A pupil's notes of a lecture or lesson, Quint. 3, 6, 59.