Claudo, claudis, clausi, clausum, claudere. Virg.To shut: to ende: to sinish or adde a conclusion: to compasse: to stoppe or put of.Claudere & Reserare, contraria. Plin. Externis in oris claudi. Lucan. To be befieged and inclosed in a strounge place.Nihil tam clausum ad exitus. Ci. Nothing so closely shut vp.Clausus ex omni aditu.Cic.Close, or shut in on euery side, where entry might be.In angustum claudi.Ouid.To be driuen to a straict.In antra claudi.Ouid. In arca clausus. Horat. In tectis claudi.Ouid.Vinculis & carcere clausus. Valer. Flac. Imprisoned and in fetters.Muris clausa iuuentus. Lucan. Pelago clausus.Ouid.Compassed in with the sea.Clausus teria matíque.Virg.Aditus claudere. Ci. To stoppe places where men may enter.Dolor animam clausit. Lucr. Sorrow stopped his breath, or killed him: he died for sorrow.Animæ clausæ tenebris, & carcere cæco.Virg.Mens soulesshut vp in bodies, as blinde and darke prisons.Tanquam enim clausa sit Asia, sic nihil perfertur de oppresso Dolabella.Cic.Campus clausus. Catul. Clausa domus pudori & sanctimoniæ.Cic.A house that will receiue no chastitie and honcstie.Domus clausa contra cupiditatem & audaciam alicuius.Cic.A house that repelleth ones silthy lust, &c.Ensis clausus. Lucan. Close in the scaberd.Claudere exitum, tranfitum, viam, aditum.Cic.To stoppe.Fenestræ pars adaperta, pars clausa.Ouid.Flamma clausa. Valer. Flac. A flame in an ouen.Fores cubiculi claudere.Cic.Fugam claudere alicui.Liu.To stoppe the passages that he can not scape.Ianua sera clauditur. Tibul. The gate is locked.Ianua belli claudenda. Sil. Iter alicui claudere. Ouid.Lumina alicui claudere. Mart. To line after him.In æternam clauduntur lumina noctem.Virg.He is dead.Dextra claudere oculos morti. Lucan. With his handes to close the eyes of one dying.Mare clausum.Cic.When men cannot passe for Pyrats.Olympus clausus dicitur quum est nox.Virg.Aquæ clauserunt oraloquentis.Ouid.Orbis terrarum claudi ijs dicitur, qui toto pelluntur orbe, hospitiísque omnibus prohibenter.Virg.In clauso ore tenere linguam. Catul To hold his peace.Patria clausa est miseto.Ouidius.He can not returne into his countrey, wretched man that he is.Pecus claudere textis cratibus. Horat. To folde with hurdles.Claudere in aliquo loco pecudes.Virg.Portæ clausæ.Ouid. Claudentur belli poitæ. Virg.Ad claudendas pupulas aptissimè factæ palpebiæ.Cic.To couer the balles of the eyes.Riuos claudere.Virg.Rura gelu claudit hyems.Virg.Sepulchrum clausum.Ouid.Taberna clausa. Horat. Tecta claudere. Ouid.Vias incendia claudunt. Statius. Fiers let that a man can not come. Tenere se clausum loco aliquo. Sil. To be secretly.Clauso corpore aduersum vim venent. Tac. The bodye being strengthened against. Claudere cœnam dicitur cibus. Mart. To be last eaten. Opus aliquod claudere.Ouid.To finish.Bella claudere.Stat.To make an ende of, &c.Aetas claudit octauum lustrum. Horat. Forty yeares olde.Animam laqueo claudere.Ouid.To hang him felfe.Epistolam claudere paruo mandato.Ouid.In the ende of hie letter to will one to doe a litle thing.Labores claudere. Sil. To ende our labours.Numeris senteutias claudere.Cic.To make them ende in number, or feete.Species orarionis clausa & terminata.Cic.Made to fall and ende in measure.Verba claudere pedibus. Horat. To make a verse. Claudere sanguinem. Plin. To staunche bloud.Aquas claudere. Propert. When God sussreth it not to raine.Flatus claudere alicui. Sil. Hratus claudere. Propert. Lethalis hyems clausit illi respiramina.Ouid.The deadly colde closed vp his breath. Claudit aqua locum illum. Varro. Doth compasse.Aquæ clausæ riparum margine.Ouid.Holden in.Speluncis lacus clausi.Virg.Orbis fluctibus clausus. Sen. Claudere oppidum poitu, vel mari. Ci. To compasse the towne with the sea.Muros obsidione claudere. Lue. To besiege the towne about.Arboribus arquevmbris clausi circum.Virg. Aciem claudere. Sil. Vide ACIES. Clausa habere sua consilia.Cic.To keepe his purpose secrete to him selfe.Pauor clausus. Sil. Feare dissimuled or hid. Clausit pudor meus mihi consuetudinem illius. Cicero. My shamefastnesse would not suffer me to vse his familiar company.Claudit aures ad voces doctissimas.Cic.He will not heare wordes well and learnedly dttered. Nolo tibi vllum commodum in me claudier.Terent.I will not let to profit you in any thing that I can: I will not refuse to pleasure you in any thing that lyeth in me.Nuncubi meam benignitatem sensisti in te claudi? Terent.Did you perceiue my liberalitie to fayle toward you in any point?
Clausus, Particip. Closed: shut vp: kept in: imprisoned.Clausus pœuis in angustijs. Plin. un. Shut vp from punishment.Clausum & reconditum, cui opponitur Apertissimum promprissimúmque.Cic. Clausus. Vlp. Imprisoned.Clausum. Substant. Colum. An house or place where a thing is kept close.Domorum clausa. Lucret. The close places of the house.