Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Chiúd-ere, v. a. (pass. chiu-si, Chiúd-se, Chiúd-sero, part. chiuso)
1. to close, shut up, shut in, bar, fasten.— gli occhi, to close one's eyes, die. — la porta in faccia ad uno, to shut the door in a person's face. — la bocca, to make a person be silent. — il pugno, to clench the fist; 2. to fence about, enclose within hedges, walls, &c. — uno fra quattro mura, to immure, imprison; 3. to close, block up, obstruct. — l'entrata d'un porto, to block up the mouth or entrance of a port or harbour; 4. to hide, conceal, cover;5. to oppress; v. r. 1. to shut one's self up at home; 2. to hide one's self. — in un chiostro, to turn monk; s. m. Chiúd-itóre, f. Chiúd-itríce;adj. Chiúd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
chiudere: to shut, to locke, to enclose, to Cloister vp, to pen, or coope vp.