Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cér-a, s. f. aug. Cér-óne, Cér-ózza,
1. wax; 2. cake of wax; 3. wax candle, torch, taper; 4. tablets;5. mien, look, countenance. Mutar —, to change one's look. — allegra, a cheerful countenance. Far buona —, to make merry, to feast. Fare buona — ad uno, to make one welcome. — di Spagna. V. ceralacca. Di buona —, cheerfully, joyfully.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
cera: any kinde of wax. Also cheere, or fare. Also countenance, looke or aspect.