Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Caricá-re, v. a.
1. to load, burden, charge.— la balestra, l'arco, &c., to string a bow or cross-bow. — l'archibuso, to load a musquet. — l'orza, to overfill, fill to excess. — uno di bastonate, to beat soundly. — il ritratto, to caricature; 2. to charge with, accuse, impeach; 3. to press, solicit earnestly; 4. to add to; v. r. — di sdegno,to put one's self in a passion. — di cibo,to overload one's stomach. — l'orologio, to wind up a watch; s. m. Caricá-tóre, f. Caricá-tríce; adj.Caricá-nte .
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
caricare: to charge, to loade, to lade, to fraight, to burthen. Also to impute.