Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Caláre, v. a.
1. to lower. — le vele, to strike or lower sail. Calar la bandiera, to strike one's colours; 2. to let any thing down, to cause to descend; v. n. 1. to decrease, wear away. Nel calar del giorno, towards the evening. La luna cala, the moon wanes; 2. to fall in price or value; 3. (naut. t.) to fall off to leeward; 4. to ebb or flow (as the tide); 5. to be light, not of full weight; v. r. 1. to bend, yield, 2. to rush upon any thing.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
calare: to abate, to diminish, to welke, to stocpe, to descend, to fall as the tide, to wane as the moone, to abate in price, to descend a paire of staires, to stoope from aloft, to come downe from on high, to vaile bonet, to stoope to a lure, to sirike sailes, to diminish in estimation.