[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: casa (data provider: donatus-sup), case (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cás-a, s. f. dim. Cás-élla, Cás-étta, Cás-ettína, Cás-ettíno, Cás-ína,Cás-inína , Cás-íno, Cás-úccia, Cás-ucciáccia, Cás-uccína, Cás-úzza, aug. Cás-óne, Cás-ótta, Cás-ótto, disp. Cás-áccia, Cás-óccia, Cás-óla,
1. a house, dwelling, abode, habitation. Ove state di —? where do you live? Star con l'occhio a—, to mind one's business. Aprir —,to take a house. Esser di —, to be intimate with. — maladetta, hell. — di campagna,country house. — di negozio, a commercial house. Di — in —, from door to door; 2. house, family, origin; 3. house, the whole family; 4. home, country.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
casa: any kinde of house, a mannor or dwelling place. Also a familie, a blood a name, or stocke. Also a point in the plaing tables or house vpon a chesseboord. Also a mans owne home or natiue country.