Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Cáss-a, s. f. dim. Cáss-étta, Cáss-ettína, Cáss-ettíno, Cáss-ettóne,Cáss-íno , aug. Cáss-óne,
1. case, chest, coffer, trunk;2. a coffin, shrine; 3. gun-carriage; 4. beehive;5. money-box; 6. drum. Batter la —,to beat the drum, to raise soldiers by beat of drum; 7. cash, ready money; 8. the frame of a weaver's loom. — di letto, bedstead. — d'occhiali, spectacle case; 9. (naut. t.) Caricare a —, to freight with goods for any one; 10.drum of the ear.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
cassa: a chest, a coffin, a shrine, a hutch, a bin, a trunke, a marchants cash or counter. Also a bee-hiue. Also a cace for any thing. Also the stocke of any piece of ordinance. Also a chase at tennis, or a blot at tables.