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Forms: branca (data provider: donatus)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Bránc-a, s. f. pl. che, dim. Bránc-híno, Bránc-úccia, aug.Bránc-óne ,
1. fang, claw, nail; 2. gripe; 3. part, portion, branch. Scala a due branche, a double staircase; 4. slave chain in a galley; 5. a gang of slaves; 6. gills of a fish. — orsina, the acanthus.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
branca: the claw, the paw, the fang, the clinch of any beast. Also a mans fist. Also a kinde of Cockle or such shellfish.