Bimus, Adiectiuum. vt Bimæ nuces. Cato. Of two yeares.Bima dies. Valla. Two yeares time.Merum bimum. Horat. Two yeares wine.Semen bimum. Plin. Bima sententia.Cic.His opinion that thinketh I should continue two yeares in my office.Legio bima. Plancus Ciceroni. Of two yeares continuance.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
bīmus, a, um, adj. [prob. contracted from bis-hiems, of two winters; cf. Eutych. ap. Cassiod. p. 2311 P., and Aufrecht, Zeitschrift für vergl. Sprachf. 4, p. 415], two years old, of two years, continuing two years: nuces, Cato, R. R. 17, 2; Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 13: una veterana legio, altera bima, octo tironum, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 24, 3; so, semen, Plin. 18, 24, 54, 195: surculi, id. 17, 14, 24, 105: plantae,
, Pall. Febr. 25, 2: merum, Hor. C. 1, 19, 15: nix, Ov. Tr. 3, 10, 16: pensio, Mart. 12, 32, 3: honor, Ov. P. 4, 9, 64: aestimatio ususfructus, Dig. 33, 2, 6: si legatum sit relictum annua, bima, trima die, etc., i. e. solvendum intra annum, biennium, triennium, etc., ib. 33, 1, 3; cf. dies.— II. In epist. style, as an abbreviated expression: bima sententia,
the vote concerning the continuance of a provincial government for two years