Aurum, hnius auri. Gold.Aurum factum. Vlp. Gold wrought in plate or money.Aurum infectum.Virg.Gold vnwrought, or in the wedge. Aurum.Cic.Money. Aurum.Plaut.Habiliments or ornaments of gold.Aceruus auri. Horat. An heape of gold.Amore auri cæcus.Virg. Fames auri. Ouid.Auri sacra fames.Virg.Cursed conetousnesse.Fulgor auri.Val. Flac. Pondus auri. Tibul. Venæ auri. Lucret. Gold veines.Corusci auro iuuenes.Virg.Glistring in robes of gold. Aurum argentosum. Plin. Gold mixed with siluer.Barbaricum aurum.Virg.Cælatum aurum.Cic.Plate graued or wrought.Coronarium aurum.Cicer.Gold gathered of the people, to make crownes to send to the Emperours.Fusile.Ouid.That may be molted.Gemmatum.Stat.Gold set with stones.Implexum crinibus aurum. Plin. Platted with gold.Intextum vestibus aurum.Ouid.Læue. Valer. Flac. Latum. Iuuenal. Lentum.Ouid.Flerible.Micans.Ouid.Shining.Nitidum.Ouid. Obrizum aurum. Plin. Fined gold.Pingue. Pers. Thicke.Rutilum. Claud. Glittering.Solidum.Ouid.Subæratum. Pers. That hath brasse vnder.Textile. Plin. TholosanÛ aurÛ habere. Prouetb. Cic.To perish miserably. Abdicare aurum. Plin. To condemne the vse of gold.Appendere anrum.Cic.To waye.Ardet auro clypeus.Stat.Attondere auro aliquem. Vide ATTONDEO. Bibunt auro sollicito superbi. Sen. Drinke in gold, but with feare of poysoning.Captus auro. Horat. Bribed: corrupted with money.Cludere auro. Plin. To inchase.Commodare aurum. Ouint. To lend money.Consumere aurum in ludos.Liu.Effingere in auro.Virg.To make or engraue in.Effulgere auro.Virg. Eruere aurum terra. Flauentes auro spicæ.Ouid.Yealow like gold.Includuntur auro smaragdi. Lucret. Are set in gold.Radians aurum.Ouid. Renidens auro domus. Lucret. Rigens auro vestis. Sil. Subducitur aurum terræ. Ouid.Vacuare aurum mero.Stat.To drinke vp all in the peece.Vænire auro. Horat. To be sold for money.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
aurum (Sab. ausum, Paul. ex Fest. p. 9 Müll.; vulg. Lat., ōrum, ib. p. 183; cf. Ital. and Span. oro and Fr. or), i, n. [v. aes]. I.Gold; as a mineral, v. Plin. 33, 4, 21, 66 sqq.: auri venas invenire, Cic. N. D. 2, 60, 151: venas auri sequi, Lucr. 6, 808; Tac. G. 5: aurum igni perspicere, Cic. Fam. 9, 16: eruere terrā, Ov. Am. 3, 8, 53: auri fodina, Plin. 33, 4, 21, 78; Vulg. Gen. 2, 11; ib. 2 Par. 2, 7; ib. Matt. 2, 11; Naev. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 2, 797: ex auro vestis, id. 2, 22 (ap. Isid. Orig. 19, 22, 20) et saep.— Provv.: montes auri polliceri,
to promise mountains of gold
, Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 18: carius auro,
more precious than gold
, Cat. 107, 3 (cf.: kreissona xrusou=, Aesch. Choëph. 372; xrusou= xruso/tera, Sapph. Fr. 122. Ellis).— II.Meton.A.Things made of gold, an ornament of gold, a golden vessel, utensil, etc.: Nec domus argento fulget nec auro renidet,
gold plate
, Lucr. 2, 27. So, 1.A golden goblet: et pleno se proluit auro, Verg. A. 1, 739: Regales epulae mensis et Bacchus in auro Ponitur, Ov. M. 6, 488: tibi non committitur aurum, Juv. 5, 39; 10, 27; Stat. Th. 5, 188; and in the hendiadys: pateris libamus et auro = pateris aureis, Verg. G. 2, 192.—2.A golden chain, buckle, clasp, necklace, jewelry: Oneratas veste atque auro, Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 43: Donec eum conjunx fatale poposcerit aurum, Ov. M. 9, 411; 14, 394.—3.A gold ring: Ventilet aestivum digitis sudantibus aurum, Juv. 1, 28.—4.A golden bit: fulvum mandunt sub dentibus aurum, Verg. A. 7, 279; 5, 817.— 5.The golden fleece: auro Heros Aesonius potitur, Ov. M. 7, 155.—6.A golden hairband, krwbu/los: crines nodantur in aurum, Verg. A. 4, 138 Serv.—7. Esp. freq., gold as coined money: si quis illam invenerit Aulam onustam auri, Plaut. Aul. 4, 2, 4: De Caelio vide, quaeso, ne quae lacuna sit in auro, Cic. Att. 12, 6, 1: Aurum omnes victā jam pietate colunt, Prop. 4, 12, 48 sq.: quid non mortalia pectora cogis Auri sacra fames?Verg. A. 3, 56; cf. Plin. 37, 1, 3, 6; so Hor. C. 2, 16, 8; 2, 18, 36; 3, 16, 9; id. S. 2, 2, 25; 2, 3, 109; 2, 3, 142; id. Ep. 2, 2, 179; Vulg. Matt. 10, 9; ib. Act. 3, 6 et saep.—B.The color or lustre of gold, the gleam or brightness of gold, Ov. M. 9, 689: anguis cristis praesignis et auro (hendiadys, for cristis aureis), id. ib. 3, 32: saevo cum nox accenditur auro, Val. Fl. 5, 369 (i. e. mala portendente splendore, Wagn.); so, fulgor auri, of the face, Cat. 64, 100, ubi v. Ellis.—C.The Golden Age: redeant in aurum Tempora priscum, Hor. C. 4, 2, 39: subiit argentea proles, Auro deterior, Ov. M. 1, 115; 15, 260.