[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: arma (data provider: donatus-sup), arme (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Árm-a, Árm-e, s. f. pl. e, i, dim. Árm-étta, Árm-icélla, disp.Árm-áccia ,
1. arms, weapons (offensive and defensive).Arme a fuoco, fire arms. Arme bianche,any arms but fire arms. Pigliar l'armi, to take up arms, to begin a war. Deponer l'armi, to lay down arms. All'armi! to arms, to arms! Passar per le armi, to be shot to death. Fatto d'armi, fight, battle. Far d'arme, to fight. Dare toccare all'arme, to give the signal of battle. Muover l'armi, to declare, make war. Uomo d'armi, a military man. Piazza d'armi, a fortress. Mettere in armi, to levy soldiers. Far d'armi, to joust. Acquetar l'armi, to cease from war. Gittare le armi, to throw down one's arms, to surrender; 2. (fig.) whatever serves to refute opinions, remove errors, or repress vices; 3. implements, instruments, tools; 4. arms, armorial bearings, coat of arms. Re d'—, king-atarms, a herald.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
arma: any weapon, or armonr. Also any armes or badge.