Albico, álbicas, pen. cor. albicâre. Plin. To be white.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
albĭco, āre, v. a. and n. [albus]. I.Act., to make white: rivus offensus a scopulo albicatur, becomes white, foamy, Poët. ap. Non. 75, 21.—II.Neutr., to be white (rare; poet. or in post - Aug. prose): prata canis pruinis, Hor. C. 1, 4, 4: albicans litus, Cat. 63, 87: ex nigro albicare incipit, Plin. 27, 5, 23, 40: colos, id. 25, 8, 50, 89: alb cans cauda, id. 10, 3, 3, 6.—Hence, albĭcantius, adv. comp., somewhat in the way of white: (hyacinthus lapis) albicantius in aquaticum eliquescit, Sol. 30.