Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ácqu-a, s. f. dim. Ácqu-étta, Ácqu-erélla, Ácqu-erúgiola, Ácqu-icélla,Ácqu-olína , disp. Ácqu-áccia, Ácqu-azzóne;
1. water, the aqueous fluid; 2. water, rain; 3. water, urine.Far —, to make water. V. orinare. Far —, to leak as a ship; 4. tears; 5. saliva, spittle;6. whatever resembles water in transparency or colour, as the water of a brilliant. — pazza, broth without salt. Far — da occhi, to miscarry, fail in any undertaking. Lavorar sott' —, to work underhand, to undermine. Star fra le due acque, to be irresolute, to trim. L'— gli viene alla bocca, his mouth waters. Portar l'— nel mortajo, to beat the air. Saper in che — si pesca, to know what a person is about. Fuggir l'— sotto le grondaje,to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Lasciar andare l'— alla china, to let things take their own course. — cheta — morta, slow but sure. — idrosolforata, water combined with sulphurated hydrogen. — dolce, fresh water. — salata, salt water. — salmastra, brackish water. — morta, ferma, stagnante, standing, stagnant water. — Tuffania, Tofana, o di Perugia, a kind of slow poison. — nánfa,orange-flower water.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English