Acies, aciei, fœ. g. Colum. The edge of a weapon or toole: the front of an armie: the sight of an eye.Gladiorum aciem perstringit.Plaut.It tebateth or dulleth.Acies vnguium. Plin. The sharpenesse of nayles.Exacta falcis acies. Plin. A very good or sharp edge of a sieth.Hstæ acies. Ouid.The point of a speare.Rostri acies. Plin. The point of a birdes bill.Stricta ferri acies.Virg.A sworde readie drawne.Aciem dicuntur trahere aquâ. cotes. Plin. To make a good edge: to sharpen as whetstones doe, moysted with water.Excitare aciem falcis. Plin. To make sharpe: to whette, to grinde a sieth.Creticæ cotes non nisi oleo, falcis aciem excitant. Plin. Doe not make sharpe or kinde.Aciem ferri hebetare. Plin. To rebate or make dull. Acies, pro Chalybe. Plin. Steele. Acies oculorum, per translationÊ.Cic.The sight of the eye.Contenta oculorum acie. Lucret. Stedfastly set.Firma acies oculorum. Plin. Hebes acies oculorum est cuipiam.Cic.Dull sight.Obtutior acies.Cic.Peruicax oculorum acies.Senec.That stareth vpon.Recta oculorum acies.Ouid. Sagax acies. Stat.Sanguineam oculorum aciem voluere.Virg.Bloudy eyes.Turbida oculorum acies.Senec. Vesperna aciés. Plin. Aciem oculorum succo adiuuat semen ni. Plin. Dirigere aciem oculorÛ ad aliquÊ. Carul. To louke toward.Effugere aciem. Seneca. To be out of sight.Errat acies luminum, Id est oculorum.Senec.Aciem oculorum exacuit acetÛ scillinum. Plin. Quickneth.Flectere aliquo geminas oculorum acies.Virg.Fugere aciem.Cic. Hebetare aciem oculorum. Plin. Aciem oculorum hebetari nullorum cibo tradunt. Plin. Intendere oculorum aciem. Vide INTENDO. Intendere acrem oculorum aciem in omnes partes. Vide INTENDO To looke diligently about.Ludere aciem oculorum, Id est decipere. Seneca. Aciem oculorum offendit claritas colorum. Plin. Hurteth.Oculorum tibi præstringit aciem, Plaut.It troubleth or deceyueth thy sight.Aciem oculorum protendere in mae. Catul. To looke out towarde.Aciem oculorum succo fœniculi reficiunt serpentes. Plin. Reflectere oculorum aciem.Senec.To looke backe.Stupet oculorum acies. Horat. Dulled or troubled with brightnesse. Luminum acies torpet. Seneca. Acies authoritaris tuæ hebescit.Cicer.Your authoritie decayeth.Acies animi.Cic. Acies mentis. Cic.Acies ingenij.Cicer.The sharpenesse or capacitie of witte or minde.Contemplari aliquid omni acie ingenij.Cicer.To bende his whole witte to the consideration of a thing.Rerum diuersitas aciem intentionis abrumpit. Florus. Disturbeth ones attentiuenesse.Abducere aciem mentis consuetudine oculorum.Cic.Looke ABDVCO. Præstringere aciem ingenij, vel mentis.Cic. Acies orationis.Plaut. Acies.Cic.An armie set in order to fight: battayle ray.Acies interdum pro ipso conflictu & prælio sumitur. Tac. The battayle or conflict.Exercitus nostri acies.Cic.The front of our armie.Aeratæ acies.Virg. id est, ære armatæ. Condensa acies. Vide CONDENSVS. Close togither.Conserta acies.Tacit. Consertæ campis acies. Sil. Conuersæ acies, Idest in bellum coactæ. Virgil. Desixa acies, Id est immota.Stat. Directæ acies. Virg.Directa acie puguare.Quintil.Diuersa acies. Hoc est aduersariorum. Tacit.Duplici acie confligere.Quintil. Feræ acies. Seneca. Firmata acies subsidijs.Liu.Strengthened with ayde or succour behinde.Fluctuans acies. Curtius. In feare or doubt.Frænata acies, Id est equestris. Sil. An armie of horsemen.Funestæ acies. Lucan. Incondita inordinatá que acies.Liu.A disordred army without aray. Infestior acies. Liuius. Instructa acies.Cic.Set in aray readie to fight.Iusta acies.Liu.A sufficient or full armie.Licitæ acies, Id est bella licita.Stat.Parca fugæ acies. Sil. That will not slie.Pedestris acies Liu.An armie of footemen.Porrectior acies.Tacit.Stretched out in length.Primori in acie versabantur.Tacit.They were in the fore front of the battayle.Recta acies.Liu. Sociæ acies. Claudian. Subsidiariam aciem Italicorum militum iustruxit.Liu.Tenuis acies.Tacit.Standing farre one from another.Transuersam hostium aciem inuadere.Liu.To assayle their enimies on the side.Trepidæ acies.Ouid.Fearefull: timerous.Turbatæ acies.Virg.Put out of aray.Vagam ante se cernentes aciem.Liu.Scattered abroade.Versa retro acies. Horat. Put to flight.Vulcania acies horrida, Id est vis ignis.Virg. Compositi acie.Tacit.In battaile ray.Defessus acie, Id est bello fatigatus.Stat.Densos acie rapit, Id est Raptim ducit.Virg.Inuictus acie. Seneca. Inuincible in battaile.Receptus tutus erat in aciem peditum.Liu.They might safely returne. In aciem telis accingi.Tacit.To be furnithed with weapons readie to enter battaile.Accipere socios in mediam aciem.Liu.To receyue into the middle of the armie.Administrare aciem. Hirtius. To gouerne or guyde.Adsistit in aciem ordo agminis.Tacit.Standeth in aray.Amplecti hostium aciem, Id est circunuenire.Liu.To compasse rounde: to enuirou.Aperire mediam aciem venienti ex aduerso hofti.Liu.Aciem audere.Tacit.To dare to giue battaile.In aciem audere.Tacit. Idem. Auertere elephantos retro in suorum aciem.Liu.To turne against their owne armie.Bellat acies.Stat. Bellare acie. Liu.To fight.Cadere acie.Liu.To be slaine in battaile.Cadere per acies.Tacit. Idem. Certant acies. Virg.Ciêre acies.Virg.To mooue warre.Circunuall are aciem. Sil. To compasse or inniton.Circunuenire aciem.Liu. Idem. Claudere aciem. Liu. Triarijs postremam aciem clausit. He sette them last or in the hinder parte of the batraile.Coercere acies.Virg.To close vp the hinder part: to hemme in.Cohærent acies. Curtius. Are close togither in fighting.Coire inter se mediæ acies possent.Liu.Colligere se ad aciem. Vide COLLIGO. To gather to an armie, and not to scatter themselues.Collucet flammis acies, Vide COLLVCEO.Committere se in aciem. Vide COMMITTO. To enter into battaile. Commota acies. Liu.Stirres: mooued.Componere aciem.Tacit.To set in aray.Concurrunt acies.Liu.Rush or runne togitherigiue the charge.Concurrere acie.Liu.Per acies conficere bellum.Tacit.To ende the warre with a battaile and fighting.Confirmata acies.Liu.Encoutaged, strengthened.Confligere acie.Tacit.To fight in battaile.Congredi acie.Tacit.To ioyue battaile.Consistere in acie.Liu.To stande in battaile aray.Continenter acies Cæs.Are kept standing in aray.Damnare aciem. Sil. To detest and forsake an armie.Datur acies. Tac. Quãdo dbitur hostis? quando acies? When shall we fight with our enimie: when shall we haue battaileDecernere acie.Liu.To sight. Deductus in aciem. Tacit.Dehiscens acies.Liu.A gaping armie: when the souldiour stande not close in aray.DescÊdere in aciem omnibus copijs.Liu.To enter battaile, &c.Dicere acies, Id est describere.Virg. Dilatare aciem. Liu.Dimicare tota acie.Liu.Dirigere aciem Cæs.To direct or guide.Disiecta Vitellij acies.Tacit.Broken or discomfited.Disposita Vitellianarum legionum acie.Tacit.Set in aray.Distrahere aciem, & distendere. Cæs. To seuarare and streatch out in length or breadth. Diuertere acies. Lucan. Ducere firmamentum in aciem.Liu. Duplicare acies. Sil. Ital. Educere in aciem. Cæs. To bring souldis into the fielde ceadie to fight. Erigere aciem. Liu.Erigere aciem in aduersum collem.Liu.Erumpit noua acies.Liu. Euadere aduersus aciem. Liu.Acie excedere.Liu.To goe out of the fielde.Excire milites in aciem.Liu.To encoutage or stirre vp the souldiours to fight.Exire in aciem.Liu.To goe into the fielde.Exornare aciem.Salust.To set in aray.Explicare aciÊ.Liu.To cause the armie to occupie more roome in the sielde, and to stande further abroade.Extenditur acies. Curtius. Extenuare aciem. Liu.Perre aciem. Tacir. To sustaine the brunt.Firmare subsidijs aciem.Liu.To strengthen his armie with sonldiours, to succour and rescue at neede.Firmare aciem.Liu.Hortari aciem.Ouid.To incite, animate, or incourage.Impulsa acies.Liu.Repelled: driuen backe.Inclinauit acies.Liu.Did recople or goe backe.Inclinatur acies.Liu.Is driuen backe.Incubuit tum acies hostium integris ordinibus.Tacit.Incurrere in auersam hostium aciem.Liu.Inducere aciem in hostem.Liu.To leade forth against, &c.Inducere legiones in aciem.Liu.To leade into the field.Inferre se in mediam aciem.Liu.To ride or pierce into the middes of the armie.Infertur pedestris acies.Tacit.Is brought into battaile.Instaurare aciem. Vide INSTAVRO. Instituere aciem pro facere. Cæs. To set in aray.Instruere aciem.Cic. Quint. To set in order or aray eadie to fight. Integrare aciem. Sil. Interrumpere aciem. Vide INTERRVMPO. Inuehi in aciem.Liu. Ire in aciem. Tacit.Iterare aciem Stat.To renew battaile: to beginne agayne.Labantes acies.Tacit. Laxata acies. Liu.Locare ante aciem pedites. Tacir. Miscere pauidos milites in certam & integram aciem.Liu.Antequam miscerentur acies.Tacit.Before the armies were ioyned in battaile.Mouere loco aciem.Liu.To driue backe.Nudare aciem cornibus, auxilio, &c.Liu.To take from: to leaue maked of, &c. Nutantem acrÊ victor equitatus incursat. Tac. Opponere aciem.Virg.To set against.Ordinare aciem. Curt. Pandere aciem. Tac. To set broader.Patefacta acies.Liu.Opened. Pellere aciem. Vide PLLO.Perfringere aciem.Tacit.To breake the aray.Perrumpere aciem.Virg. Idem. Perturbata acies. Liu i. Brought out of aray.Porrigere latius aciem. Salu. To enlarge: to set broader.Porrigere aciem in longitudinem. Cæs. To make longer.Poscere aciem.Virg.To require battell.Procedere in aciem.Liu.To march forward into battell.Processit Cæsar in primam aciem. Cæs. Went into the fore ward.Procurrit acies. Cæs. oeth forth speedily.Prodire in aciem. Cæs. To come into the sield to fight.Producere in aciem.Liu.To bring forth ready to fight.Profligare aciem. Sil. Ital. To discomsite.Progredi in aciem.Liu.To march forth into battell.Promouere aciem.Liu.To cause to march forward.Propinquabat legionum acies.Tacit.Was at hand or nigh.Protuebat hostilem aciem ingentibus saxis.Tacit.Beate downe his enimies, &c.Prorumpere in aciem.Tacit.To breake forth: to march forward sodenly and siercely.Prosiliunt acies. Lucan. Goe hastily into the fielde.Protrita hostium acies.Tacit.Discomsited.Pugnare acie.Liu.To fight in set battell.Recedere ex acie. Cæs. Recipere aliquem in secundam aciem.Liu.To reteine out of the foreward into the battell.Redintegrata acies.Tacit.The battell renewed or begunne a fresh.Pedem refert acies. Val. Max. The armie recoyleth.Refugere in secundam aciem.Liu.To flie into the battell, which is betwene the vauntgard and the rereward.Refugere acie. Cæs. To flie out of the field.Restituere aciem.Liu.To renew the battell, and bring them in aray againe.Recedit acies hoc campo.Virg.Rested in.Sistere aciem.Liu.To make to stay.Sonat acies cantu virorum.Tacit. Stat acies. Quint. Sternere aciem.Virg.To ouercome and slea.Statuere arctè aciem.Salust.To set close or in a narrowe roome. Struere aciem. Virg.Subducere saucios in postremam aciem.Liui.To conuey them into the rereward.Subducere legionem ex acie. Tac. Out of the foreward.Suggredi acie.Tacit.To affaile with his armie.Summouere aliquos in postremam aciem.Liu.Into the rereward.Sustentare aciem.Virg. Tac. Tomaintaine the battell.Sustinuit labantem aciem. Antonius. Tacit.Temperare acies.Stat.To ge or gouerne.Tenere aciem. Cæs. To rule: to gouerne.Turbauit aciem Eques immissus.Liu.Breake the aray.Turbata acies.Liu.Seuered: disordered: put out of aray.Venire in aciem.Tacit.To march to battell.In aciem dimicationémque veniamus.Cic.Versari in acie & ferro.Cic.Volitare tota acie. Tac. To ride from the one place of the armie to another.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
ăcĭēs, ēi, f. [v. 2. acer] (gen. acii and acie, like dii and die, facii and facie, fr. dies, facies, Cn. Mat. ap. Gell. 9, 14; Caes. B. G. 2, 23; Sall. ap. Serv. ad Verg. G. 1, 208, or Sall. Fragm. ed. Kritz. p. 118; cf. Prisc. p. 780 P.), a sharp edge or point.I.Lit., of a sword, dagger, sickle, etc.: gladiorum, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 11: Vulg. Heb. 11, 34: securium, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 43, 113: falcis, Verg. G. 2, 365: hastae, Ov. M. 3, 107: ferri, Plin. 7, 15, 13.—B.Transf.1. Of the sense or faculty of sight, a.Keenness of look or glance, sharpness of vision or sight: oculorum, Lucil. ap. Non. 34, 32; cf. Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 4; Lucr. 1, 324; also acies alone, id. 2, 420; and in plur., id. 4, 693: ne vultum quidem atque aciem oculorum ferre potuisse, Caes. B. G. 1, 39: pupula ad te dirigit aciem, Cat. 63, 56: tanta tenuitas, ut fugiat aciem, Cic. Tusc. 1, 22: bonum incolumis acies, misera caecitas, id. Fin. 5, 28, 84; so ib. 4, 24; Verg. A. 12, 558 al.—Hence, b. Concr., the pupil of the eye, Lucr. 3, 411; cf. with 414: acies ipsa, quā cernimus, quae pupula vocatur, Cic. N. D. 2, 57: in Albania gigni quosdam glaucā oculorum acie, Plin. 7, 2, 2 (cf. ib.: glaucis oculis); and poet. (as pars pro toto) for the eye, Lucr. 3, 363; 4, 249; 281; 358; 720: huc geminas nunc flecte acies, Verg. A. 6, 789; 12, 658 (hence the word is also used in the plur., cf. below, 2.).—c.A looking at an object with fixed attention, look, aim: ad eam rem habeo omnem aciem, Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 38.—On the contr., prima acie, at the first glance, Lucr. 2, 448 (cf. primo aspectu, Cic. de Or. 3, 25, 98).—2. In milit. lang., the front of an army (conceived of as the edge of a sword), line of battle, battle-array.a. In abstr. (cf. Vitr. praef. 1. 7, p. 154 Rod.): quibus ego si aciem exercitus nostri ostendero, Cic. Cat. 2, 3, 5: aciem instruere, Caes. B. G. 1, 22: dirigere, id. ib. 6, 8: extra aciem procurrere, id. B. C. 1, 55: statuit non proeliis, neque in acie, sed alio more bellum gerendum, Sall. J. 54; cf. Liv. 5, 41, 4; also of the arrangement of ships for a naval engagement, Nep. Hann. 11; cf. Caes. B. C. 1, 58.—Hence, metaph. b.The battlearray; in concr., an army drawn up in order of battle: acies est instructa a nobis decem cohortium, Galba ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 30: hostium acies cernebatur, Caes. B. G. 7, 62: altera pars acii vitassent fluminis undas, Matius ap. Gell. 9, 14 (as transl. of Il. 21 init.): dubitavit acie pars, Sall. Fragm. l. l.: stabit ante aciem, Vulg. Deut. 20, 2; 1 Par. 12, 33: prima acies hastati erant,
the van
the first line
, Liv. 8, 8: tertiam aciem laborantibus subsidio mittere, Caes. B. G. 1, 52: ab novissima acie, from the rear: ante signa procedere, Liv. 8, 10: dextra acies (= dextrum cornu),
the right wing
, Liv. 27, 48, 8: agmina magis quam acies pugnabant,
in marching order
rather than in order of battle
, id. 25, 34 (acies is here, and in similar cases, considered as the sing. used collectively; v. Oud. and Herz. Caes. B. G. 7, 62; yet the plur. is more than probable). Rarely of cavalry, Liv. 8, 39; Vell. 2, 112.—Poet.: acies Vulcania, of a long line of fire, Verg. A. 10, 408.—c.The action of the troops drawn up in battlearray, a battle, engagement, = pugna: in acie celebri objectans vitam, Pac. ap. Non. 234, 25; Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 4: mea facta in acie obliti, Att. ap. Non. 502, 1: in acie Pharsalica, Cic. Lig. 3; so id. Fam. 6, 3: in acie vincere, Caes. B. G. 7, 29: dimicare, ib. 7, 64: copias in aciem ducere, Liv. 31, 34: producere in aciem, Nep. Milt. 5: excedere acie, Caes. B. C. 2, 41; Liv. 31, 17: direxerunt aciem contra eos, Vulg. Gen. 14, 8; 2 Par. 18, 33.—3. Acies ferri, steel, Plin. 34, 14, 41.—4.Poet., sheen, brightness: obtunsa stellarum, Verg. G. 1, 395.II. Fig. A. (Acc. to I. B.) (like acumen.) Acuteness of the mind, sharpness, force, power (so very often in Cicero, but always with the gen. mentis, animi, ingenii): (cum animus) exacuerit illam, ut oculorum, sic ingenii aciem ad bona eligenda, etc., Cic. Leg. 1, 23, 60; so, ingenii, id. Ac. 2, 39, 122: mentis, id. N. D. 2, 17, 45; id. Tusc. 1, 30, 73: animi, id. Sen. 23, 83; id. Phil. 12, 2; Vell. 2, 118, 4; cf.: rerum diversitas aciem intentionis abrumpit, Flor. 1 prol., 3.— B.A verbal contest, disputation, discussion, debate: orationis aciem contra conferam, Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 20: ad philosophos me revocas, qui in aciem non saepe prodeunt, Cic. Tusc. 2, 25, 60: nos jam in aciem dimicationemque veniamus, id. Or. 13 fin.; cf. id. Opt. Gen. Or. 5, 17; Quint. 2, 10, 8; 6, 4, 17; 10, 1, 29.