[Remark: this dictionary entry has no valid XML/HTML content in database so a text version of this entry is shown.]: <orth>Sterno</orth>, sternis, steraui, stratum, stérnere. <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <p> <sense><trans lang="en">To throw down: to spread: to couer: to lay the table: to make plain or smooth: to ly down to rest.</trans> <I>Flores humi sternere, & sternere humum floribus, Idem.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To strawe flowers on the ground.</trans> <I>Sternere equos.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To saddle and make ready horses.</trans> <I>Sternere lectos.</I> <bibl><author>Terent.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To make beddes.</trans> <I>Lectum illum filiæ suæ nubentis strauerat.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <I>Torus sternitur.</I> <bibl><author>Ouid.</author></bibl> <I>Triclinia sternere.</I> <bibl><author>Cic.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To lay and make ready tables in the hall.</trans> <I>Iuuenci cæsi strauere terram.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">The earth was couered with beastes killed for sacrisice.</trans> <I>Venti placidi strauerunt æquora.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Ouiet windes made calme the sea.</trans> <I>Fama tibi strauit benignum iter.</I> <bibl><author>Stat.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Fame made thee haue a faire and good iourney.</trans> <I>Iter argento sternunt.</I> Lucr. <trans lang="en">They couer the way with mony: they straw money in the way.</trans> <I>Viam strauit per mare.</I> Lucre. <trans lang="en">Xerxes made a bridge or way ouer the sea at Hellespont.</trans> <I> Sternunt corpora passim.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">They cast down and kil bodies in many places.</trans> <I>Corpore toto sternitur in vultus.</I> <bibl><author>Stat.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">He lyeth downe flat on his face.</trans> <I>Humi sternere aliquem.</I> Horat. <trans lang="en">To strike one to the ground.</trans> <I>Terræ sternitur toto proiectus corpore.</I> Vir. <trans lang="en">He lieth downe flat vpon the ground.</trans> <I>Aciem sternere.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <I>Quum omni parte cæde ingenti sternerentur.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <I>Torrens rapidus sternit agros.</I> Virgili. <trans lang="en">The swift streame layeth flat to the ground all that was in the fieldes.</trans> <I>Pauor strauit corda mortalia.</I> Virgil. <trans lang="en">Feare abated mennes hartes and courages.</trans> <I>Sternere omnia ferro.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <I>Hostiliter sternit omnes.</I> <bibl><author>Ouid.</author></bibl> <I>Ictu sternere aliquem.</I> Sen. <trans lang="en">To strike one down <04> a blowe.</trans> <I>Sternere Iocum saxis.</I> <bibl><author>Liu.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To paue.</trans> <I>Morti sternere aliquem.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To strike him to the grounde and kil him.</trans> <I>Peccus ferro strauit Aiax.</I> Horat. <I>Segetes sternuntur.</I> <bibl><author>Ouid.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">Are layde flat to the grounde: are mowed or cut downe.</trans> <I>Sternitur onme solum iaculis.</I> Virgil. <trans lang="en">All the grounde was couered with dartes.</trans> <I>Telo præcipitem sternere.</I> Sil. <I>Vulnere stern.</I> i <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <I>Sternere se somno.</I> <bibl><author>Virg.</author></bibl> <trans lang="en">To lay himselfe downe to sleepe.</trans> </sense>
Strato, A king of Sidon, who being ouercome of the Persians, tooke his sworde in his hande, minding to kill himselfe, rather than to come into their handes. But whyle he hoouered timerouslye looking vpon his sword, his wyfe perceyuing the enimies to be at hande to take him, wrested it out of his hande, and quicklye thruste him through. And, after the had stretched out his body, and layde it comely to be buried, with the same weapon she slewe hirselfe also, that the might not abide the villanye of hir barbarous enimies.
Stratum, strati, n. g. Substantiuum. Plin. A couch or bed to lye on: litter for an horse to lie on: Any thing that is strawed: all that is layde on a bed.Dura strata Ouid. Molli strata lecti. Lucret. Picta strata.Ouid.Corpus corripere è stratis.Virg.To rise ont of the bed.Excita stratis iuuentus. Lucan. Exilire stratis. Ouid.Incubare stratis.Virg.Alto strato recondidit caput.Ouid.Reponere membra stratis.Virg.Surgere strato.Virg.Viarum strata.Virg.Causeys: wayes paued. Stratum. Plin. An hor se harnesse or saddle.
Stratus, Participium. Virg.Spreade abroade: strawed: couered: paued.Stratus ad pedes alicuius. Ci. Lying prostrate at ones feete.Aequor stratum siler. Vir. The sea is quiet and calme.Iter militari labore stratum. Quint. Paued.Lectus lepidè stratus.Plaut.Trimmely made.Poma passim strata iacent.Virg.Via strata.Liu.A causie.Vites stratæ, quæ & constratæ. Colum. Vines growing close to the ground, or layed or planted in the earth.Vnda strata æqualiter. Oui. The sea calme without wanes.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
sterno, strāvi, strātum, 3 (pluperf. sync. strarat, Manil. 1, 774: strasset, Varr. ap. Non. 86, 8), v. a. [Gr. root *s*t*o*r, store/nnumi, to spread; strato/s, camp; Sanscr. star- strnāmi = sterno; cf.: strages, struo, torus, and lātus, adj., old Lat. stlatus], to spread out, spread abroad; to stretch out, extend.I.Lit. (mostly poet. and in postAug. prose; in Cic. only in the part. perf.; cf.: effundo, extendo, subicio, subdo): vestes, Ov. M. 8, 658: in duro vellus solo, id. F. 4, 654: bubulos utres ponte, Plin. 6, 29, 34, 176: hic glarea dura Sternitur, Tib. 1, 7, 60: natas sub aequore virgas Sternit, i. e.
, Ov. M. 4, 743: harenam, id. F. 3, 813; id. Am. 2, 14, 8: herbas, id. M. 7, 254: poma passim, Verg. E. 7, 54: spongeas ad lunam et pruinas, Plin. 31, 11. 47, 123: arma per flores, Grat. Cyneg. 487: fessi sternunt corpora,
stretch out their bodies
lie down
, Liv. 27, 47, 9; cf.: sternunt se somno diversae in litore phocae, Verg. G. 4, 432.—Mid.: sternimur optatae gremio telluris, Verg. A. 3, 509; and: in Capitolinas certatim scanditur arces Sternunturque Jovi, Sil. 12, 340.—Part. perf.: strātus, a, um, stretched out, lying down, prostrate (syn. prostratus): strata terrae, Enn. ap. Non. 172, 20 (Trag. v. 370 Vahl.): nos humi strati, Cic. de Or. 3, 6, 22: quidam somno etiam strati, Liv. 37, 20, 5: ad pedes strati, Cic. Att. 10, 4, 3: stratum jacere et genua complecti, Quint. 6, 1, 34: nunc viridi membra sub arbuto Stratus, Hor. C. 1, 1, 21.—2. Of places, to extend: insulae Frisiorum, Chaucorum, etc.... sternuntur inter Helium ac Flevum,
, Col. 5, 4, 2 (for Nep. Milt. 5, 3, v. under rarus, II. A.).—B. In partic., to spread a thing out flat, i. e. to smooth, level (mostly poet.): sternere aequor aquis, Verg. A. 8, 89; cf.: placidi straverunt aequora venti, id. ib. 5, 763: nunc omne tibi stratum silet aequor, id. E. 9, 57: pontum, Ov. M. 11, 501: mare, Plin. 2, 47, 47, 125: stratoque super discumbitur ostro, Verg. A. 1, 700: viam per mare,
, Lucr. 3, 1030 (acc. to the Gr. o(do\n store/nnumi): stratum militari labore iter, Quint. 2, 13, 16; so, hoc iter Alpes, Hoc Cannae stravere tibi, Sil. 12, 514; and trop.: praesens tibi fama benignum Stravit iter, Stat. Th. 12, 813.— 2.Trop. (the figure borrowed from the sea), to calm, still, moderate: odia militum, Tac. H. 1, 58 (cf.: constrata ira, Stat. S. 2, 5, 1).—II.Transf.A.To cover, cover over (by spreading something out; the predom. class. signif. of the word; cf. obtendo). 1. Of a couch, bed, etc., to spread, prepare, arrange, make: lectus vestimentis stratus est, Ter. Heaut. 5, 1, 30; cf.: strata cubilia sunt herbis, Lucr. 5, 1417: rogatus est a Maximo, ut triclinium sterneret ... Atque ille stravit pelliculis haedinis lectulos Punicanos, Cic. Mur. 36, 75; so, lectum, lectos, biclinium, triclinia, etc., Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 33; id. Most. 1, 4, 14; id. Men. 2, 3, 3; id. Bacch. 4, 4, 70; id. Ps. 1, 2, 31; Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 73; id. Ad. 2, 4, 21; Cic. Clu. 5, 14; id. Tusc. 5, 21, 61; Hirt. B. G. 8, 51: his foliis cubitus sternere, Plin. 24, 9, 38, 59: torum frondibus, Juv. 6, 5: strata cathedra,
, id. 9, 52; cf. also, ARCERAM NE STERNITO, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Gell. 20, 1, 25; and absol.: jubet sterni sibi in primā domus parte (sc. lectum), Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 7.— 2. Esp., places, to cover; of a way, road, path, etc., to pave: aspreta erant strata saxis, Liv. 9, 35, 2: via strata, id. 8, 15, 8: semitam saxo quadrato straverunt, id. 10, 23 fin.; so, vias silice ... clivum Capitolinum silice ... emporium lapide, id. 41, 27, 5 sq.; and absol.: locum illum sternendum locare, Cic. Att. 14, 15, 2: pavimentum stratum lapide, Vulg. Ezech. 40, 17: viam lapide, Dig. 43, 11, 1.—3.To saddle: equos, Liv. 37, 20, 12; 37, 20, 4; Veg. 5, 77: asinum, Vulg. Gen. 22, 3.—4. In gen., to cover, spread: argento sternunt iter omne viarum, Lucr. 2, 626: foliis nemus Multis et algā litus inutili tempestas Sternet,
will strew over
, Hor. C. 3, 17, 12: congeriem silvae vellere summam, Ov. M. 9, 236: litora nive, Val. Fl. 5, 175: harenam Circi chrysocolla, Plin. 33, 5, 27, 90: solum telis, Verg. A. 9, 666: Tyrrhenas valles caedibus, Sil. 6, 602: strati bacis silvestribus agri, Verg. G. 2, 183: ante aras terram caesi stravere juvenci,
, id. A. 8, 719.—B.To stretch out by flinging down, to throw down, stretch on the ground, throw to the ground, overthrow, prostrate (mostly poet., esp. in Verg.; in prose not before the Aug. period; in Cic. only once in the trop. sense; v. the foll.; cf. profligo): cujus casus prolapsi cum proximos sterneret, Liv. 5, 47: circa jacentem ducem sterne Gallorum catervas, id. 7, 26, 8: turbam invadite ac sternite omnia ferro, id. 24, 38, 7: alius sit fortis in armis, Sternat et adversos Marte favente duces, Tib. 1, 10, 30: caede viros, Verg. A. 10, 119: aliquem leto, id. ib. 8, 566: morte, id. ib. 11, 796; Liv. 31, 21, 15; Ov. M. 12, 604: adversā prensis a fronte capillis Stravit humi pronam, id. ib. 2, 477: primosque et extremos Stravit humum, Hor. C. 4, 14, 32: sternitur volnere, Verg. A. 10, 781: impetus per stratos caede hostes, Liv. 4, 29, 1: aliquem morti, Verg. A. 12, 464: irae Thyesten exitio gravi Stravere, Hor. C. 1, 16, 18: corpore toto Sternitur in vultus, Stat. Th. 12, 318: sternitur, et toto projectus corpore terrae, Verg. A. 11, 87: toto praecipitem sternit, Sil. 4, 182: hostes, Just. 2, 11, 13: Ajax stravit ferro pecus, Hor. S. 2, 3, 202: sternitur et procumbit humi bos, Verg. A. 5, 481: strata belua texit humum, Ov. H. 10, 106: rapidus torrens Sternit agros, sternit sata laeta, Verg. A. 2, 306: moenia,
to overthrow
, Ov. M. 12, 550; cf.: stratis ariete muris, Liv. 1, 29, 2: sternit a culmine Trojam, Verg. A. 2, 603; so, (elephanti) stabula Indorum dentibus sternunt, Plin. 8, 9, 9, 27.—2.Trop. (rare): deorum plagā perculsi, afflictos se et stratos esse fatentur,
cast down
, Cic. Tusc. 3, 29, 72: mortalia corda Per gentes humiles stravit pavor, Verg. G. 1, 331: virtus populi Romani haec omnia strata humi erexit ac sustulit, Liv. 26, 41, 12: stratā Germaniā,
, Amm. 16, 1, 5.—Hence, strātus, a, um, P. a.; as substt.A. strāta, ae, f. (sc. via), a paved road or way (post-class.), Eutr. 9, 15: amplas sternite jam stratas, Juvenc. 1, 315: in margine stratae, id. 3, 656.—B. strātum, i, n. (mostly poet. and in post-Aug. prose; not in Cic.; acc. to II. A.).—1.A bed-covering, a coverlet, quilt, blanket; a pillow, bolster: lecti mollia strata, Lucr. 4, 849: proripere se e strato, Suet. Calig. 51; Ov. M. 5, 34; 10, 267.— b.Meton. (pars pro toto), a bed, couch: haud segnis strato surgit Palinurus, Verg. A. 3, 513; cf. id. ib. 8, 415; 3, 176: tale, Nep. Ages. 8: quies neque molli strato neque silentio arcessita, Liv. 21, 4, 7.—Plur.: strataque quae membris intepuere tuis, Ov. H. 10, 54: dura, id. Am. 1, 2, 2; Luc. 1, 239.—Once also (sc. lectus) in the masc., Favorin. ap. Gell. 15, 8, 2.—2.A horsecloth, housing, a saddle, Ov. M. 8, 33; Liv. 7, 14, 7; Sen. Ep. 80, 9; Plin. 7, 56, 57, 202. —Prov.: qui asinum non potest, stratum caedit (v. asinum), Petr. 45, 8.—3.A pavement: saxea viarum, Lucr. 1, 315; 4, 415: extraneum, Petr. poët. 55, 6, 11.
Strătō or Străton, ōnis, m., = *stra/twn. I.A philosopher of Lampsacus, Cic. Ac. 1, 9, 34; 1, 2, 38; id. Fin. 5, 5, 13.—II.A slave and physician, Cic. Clu. 63, 176; 64, 179.—III. Stratonis turris, a town of Palestine, otherwise called Cœsarea, now Kaisariyeh, Plin. 5, 13, 14, 69.
Stratos or Stratus, i, f., = *stra/tos. I.A town of Acarnania, on the Achelous, Mel. 2, 3; Plin. 4, 1, 2, 5; Liv. 36, 11; 38, 4; 43, 22, 1.—Hence, Stratii, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Stratos, Liv. 43, 22, 7.— II.A river of Hyrcania, Plin. 6, 16, 18, 46 (al. Straor).