Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Spóglia, s. f.
1. spoil, that of which any person or thing is despoiled. — degli alberi, the leaves. — d'un serpente, the slough or cast-skin of a serpent. La — mortale, the dead carcass, corpse; 2. the peeled-off bark; 3. the cod or case of insects; 4. plaster upon the figure for taking a cast; 5. cod, husk, or shell; 6. spoil, booty; 7. old clothes, cast-off clothes; 8. remainder, that which is left. Spoglie opime,spolia opima, spoils taken by one general from another.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
spoglia: a spoiling, a robbing, a stripping. Also a raiment, a clothing or weede. Also a mans mortall vaile or bodie. Also the skinne that any Serpent or Snake leaues off. Also a coffin of paste made for a Pie, a Tarte, or a Custard. Also any pillage, praie, bootie, prize, reprisall or spoile taken from an enemie. Also the outward skinne of any thing.