[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: signori (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Signór-e, s. m. dim. Signór-éllo, Signór-étto, Signór-íno, Signór-ótto, disp.Signór-acciáccio , Signór-áccio, Signór-azzóne,
1. he who has power or authority over others; 2. lord, nobleman.Fù uno de'primi signori del regno, he was one of the first noblemen in the kingdom. È un — di grande stima, he is a gentleman very much esteemed; 3. Lord, title of reverence. Nostro —, God, Christ. Andar al —, to die. Il —,the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament;4. master. Dov'è il vostro —? where is your master? Il — tale, Mr. Such-a-one; 5. Sir.— come state? how do you do, Sir? 6. plgentlemen. — il pranzo è in ordine, gentlemen, dinner is ready. Fare il —, to affect, play off the gentleman. Riconoscer uno per —, to admit one to be a gentleman
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
signore: a Lord, a Sir, a Master, a Ruler, an Owner, a Possessor, a great man.