Scopæ, scopârum. f g. pluralis numeri. Plau. A broome or beesome to sweepe houses.Viles scopæ, Horat. Scopa regia. Herba. Plin. The hearbe milfoyle. Scopæ. Plin. The croppes of hearbes of trees, in handfulles.Manuales scopæ. Plin. Handfuls of herbes or other things.Scopævirgeæ vlmeæ. Cato.
Scopas, The name of a notable grauer.
Scopo, ani are. To sweepe.Scopei.Men of litle stature.Scoptula operta. Cels. Two bones comming from the necke to the shoulders.
Scopus, scopi, m. g. Suet. A marke, butte, or pricke that men shoote at. Scopus, metaphorice.Cic.The ende or marke wherevnto ones purpose is directed. Scopus voæ. Varro. Sunt qui Scapus legant apud Varro nem. The bushie stalke that grapes be on in clusters.
Scŏpas, ae, m., = *sko/pas.I.A famous Grecian sculptor of Paros, who flourished between the 97th and 105th Olympiads, Plin. 34, 8, 19, 49; Cic. Div. 1, 13, 23; Hor. C. 4, 8, 6; Mart. 4, 39, 3.—II.A very rich Thessalian in the time of Simonides, Cic. de Or. 2, 86, 352; Quint. 11, 2, 14 (cf. Phaedr. 4, 24).