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Saw () imp. of See.
Saw (v. t.) Something said; speech; discourse.
Saw (v. t.) A saying; a proverb; a maxim.
Saw (v. t.) Dictate; command; decree.
Saw (n.) An instrument for cutting or dividing substances, as wood, iron, etc., consisting of a thin blade, or plate, of steel, with a series of sharp teeth on the edge, which remove successive portions of the material by cutting and tearing.
Saw (v. t.) To cut with a saw; to separate with a saw; as, to saw timber or marble.
Saw (v. t.) To form by cutting with a saw; as, to saw boards or planks, that is, to saw logs or timber into boards or planks; to saw shingles; to saw out a panel.
Saw (v. t.) Also used figuratively; as, to saw the air.
Saw (v. i.) To use a saw; to practice sawing; as, a man saws well.
Saw (v. i.) To cut, as a saw; as, the saw or mill saws fast.
Saw (v. i.) To be cut with a saw; as, the timber saws smoothly.
Saw (imp.) of See
See (n.) A seat; a site; a place where sovereign power is exercised.
See (n.) Specifically: (a) The seat of episcopal power; a diocese; the jurisdiction of a bishop; as, the see of New York. (b) The seat of an archibishop; a province or jurisdiction of an archibishop; as, an archiepiscopal see. (c) The seat, place, or office of the pope, or Roman pontiff; as, the papal see. (d) The pope or his court at Rome; as, to appeal to the see of Rome.
See (v. t.) To perceive by the eye; to have knowledge of the existence and apparent qualities of by the organs of sight; to behold; to descry; to view.
See (v. t.) To perceive by mental vision; to form an idea or conception of; to note with the mind; to observe; to discern; to distinguish; to understand; to comprehend; to ascertain.
See (v. t.) To follow with the eyes, or as with the eyes; to watch; to regard attentivelly; to look after.
See (v. t.) To have an interview with; especially, to make a call upon; to visit; as, to go to see a friend.
See (v. t.) To fall in with; to have intercourse or communication with; hence, to have knowledge or experience of; as, to see military service.
See (v. t.) To accompany in person; to escort; to wait upon; as, to see one home; to see one aboard the cars.
See (v. i.) To have the power of sight, or of perceiving by the proper organs; to possess or employ the sense of vision; as, he sees distinctly.
See (v. i.) Figuratively: To have intellectual apprehension; to perceive; to know; to understand; to discern; -- often followed by a preposition, as through, or into.
See (v. i.) To be attentive; to take care; to give heed; -- generally with to; as, to see to the house.