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MorphologyDictionary- Charlton T. Lewis: An Elementary Latin Dictionary
- Cooper: Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Brittanicae
- Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
- săpĭdus, a, um, adj. [sapio] (post-class.). I. Lit., well-tasted, relishing, savory:
tucetum perquam sapidissimum
, App. M. 2, p. 117, 32; 10, p. 344, 32: avis sapidior
, Apic. 6, 6.— II. Trop., wise, prudent: puellae
, Alcim. 6 prooem.— Adv.: să-pĭdē, savorily: femur sapidissime percoctum
, App. M. 8 fin.
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