Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Sán-o, adj. sup. Sán-íssimo,
1. sound, healthy, not ill. Sta —, state —, farewell, adieu. Mandar — altrui, to dismiss, send a person about his business. Esser più — che pesce, to be perfectly well; 2. salubrious, healthy. Aere —,wholesome, healthy air; 3. just, useful, proper, sound. — consiglio, sound advice. Intelletto —, sound judgment. — di mente, prudent, discreet, having one's wits about one; 4. entire, whole, without defect; adv. Sán-aménte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
sano: healthy, sound in health. Also wholesome. Also soundly aduised.