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Query: tokenOrig:buch tokenOrig:book tokenOrig:livre, sorted by:

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1. Humboldt, Alexandre von et Bonpland, AiméVoyage de Humboldt et Bonpland. première partie. Tome Premier1814/echo/fr/humbo_voyag_fr_01_1814.xml2013-07-26T21:26:17.137Zecho
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Hit summary: (...) Introduction Voyage. Livre I. Chapitre I. Préparatifs (...) Livre I. Chapitre II. Séjour a Ténériffe (...) Livre (...) Livre II. Chapitre IV. Premier séjour a Cumana (...) Livre II. Chapitre V. Arata, Marais Salans, Chateau Saint Jacques (...)
2. Harriot, ThomasMss. 6787/echo/en/Harriot_Add_MS_6787_MAH52R5E.xml2014-03-04T11:38:09.495Zengecho
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Hit summary: (...) [ Translation: Demonstrated by Regiomontanus in De triangulis , Book 5, Proposition 2. by Clavius (...) triangulis , Book 5, Proposition 2. by Clavius in Proposition 58 of De sphæricis triangulis and by other (...) is shown. It is given by Regiomontanus, Book IV, Proposition 31 of De triangulis. That method set (...) ECHO:MAH52R5E.xml Harriot, Thomas Mss. 6787 o. J. eng CC-BY-SA CC-BY-SA Max Planck (...) Institute for the History of Science, Library /permanent/library/MAH52R5E Automatically generated (...)
3. /diverse/de/Einst_Bemer_de_1911_02.xml2013-07-26T20:45:36.763Zdehtml
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Hit summary: (...) Meinung, dem von mir eingeschlagenen vorzuziehen ist. Wenn mir das Gibbssche Buch damals bekannt (...) 10. Bemerkungen zu den P. Hertzschen Arbeiten: ,, Über die mechanischen Grundlagen (...) der Thermodynamik“ 1 ) ; von A. Einstein. ---------- Hr. P. Hertz hat in seinen soeben (...) genannten vortreff- lichen Arbeiten zwei Stellen, die sich in Arbeiten von mir über den gleichen (...) Gegenstand vorfinden, angegriffen. Zu diesen Angriffen will ich im folgenden kurz Stellung nehmen, wobei ich (...)
4. Pseudo Euclidde ponderoso et leviMPIWG2002/archimedes/en/eucli_ponde_061_en.xml2013-07-26T17:27:39.753Zenarchimedes
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Hit summary: (...) The book of Euclid on the heavy and the light and on the comparison of bodies to one another 1 (...) Pseudo Euclid de ponderoso et levi 2002 MPIWG PMcL en eucli_ponde_061_en.xml 061.xml (...) Bodies are equal in size that fill equal places. 2. And which fill unequal places are said (...) to be different in size. 3. And what are said to be great among bodies, are said to be ample among places. 4 (...) Bodies are equal in force whose motions in equal times are through equal places in the same air (...)
5. Agricola, GeorgiusDe re metallicaLondon1912/archimedes/en/agric_remet_002_en.xml2013-07-26T17:25:18.334Zenarchimedes
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Hit summary: (...) it was not superseded as the text-book and guide to miners and metallurgists, for until Schlüter's (...) in publication. For this we put forward the necessity of active endeavour in many directions; as this book (...) of the Renaissance; Gutenberg's first book had been print­ ed but forty years before; the Humanists had but begun (...) whom Agricola afterward set up as the “learned miner” in his dialogue Bermannus. This book (...) and mining lore. The book was apparently first submitted to the great Erasmus, and the publication (...)
6. Harriot, ThomasMss. 6785/echo/en/Harriot_Add_MS_6785_KN1CRTZ2.xml2014-03-04T11:37:38.480Zengecho
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Hit summary: (...) to Proposition 21 from Book I of Apollonius, as edited by Commandino in Conicorum libri quattuor (Apollonius (...) by Proposition 21 of Book I of Apollonius ] o m cum sit parallela lineæ a g est ordinatim applicata ad (...) App. [ Translation: by Proposition 21 of Book I of Apollonius ] Inde [ Translation: Whence (...) a d in w . Therefore w is the centroid by Proposition 52 of Book 3 of Apollonius. ] [ Commentary (...) Ptolemy, book 2. ] Three aequall circles. Anguli dati [ Translation: Angles given ] Anguli quærati (...)
7. ArchimedesNatation of bodiesLondon1662/archimedes/en/archi_natat_073_en_1662.xml2013-07-26T17:26:59.613Zenarchimedes
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Hit summary: (...) HUMIDO, OR OF The Natation of Bodies upon, or Submerſion in, the Water, or other Liquids. BOOK I (...) RIC. In the firſt Direction of the firſt Book of that your Induſtrious Invention you conclude (...) of all theſe Effects is aſſigned by Archimedes, the Siracuſan, in that Book De Incidentibus (^{*}) Aquæ (...) with his firſt Suppoſition, which ſpeaketh in this manner. * He ſpeaks of but one Book, Tartag­ lia (...) The other, becauſe that all the Propoſitions of this Book of his, do not only hold true in Water (...)
8. Guidobaldo del MonteMechanicorum liberMadison1969/archimedes/en/monte_mecha_084_en_1969.xml2013-07-26T17:29:36.274Zenarchimedes
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Hit summary: (...) in the present book that this could have been done with a lever, but, in fact, all antiquity seems to me to have (...) widely sought by scholars, still his very learned book On [Plane] Equilibrium is extant; in that book I (...) store. Surely, if the mathematicians of our time had a better knowledge of this book, they would have (...) to their places. Thus Oribasius in his book on machines includes many instruments taken from mechanics (...) with this, but, as Galen notes in the third book of his Temperaments, and Giovanni Zonara and Tzetzes (...)
9. Harriot, ThomasMss. 6784/echo/en/Harriot_Add_MS_6784_XT0KZ8QC.xml2014-03-04T11:37:19.818Zengecho
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Hit summary: (...) in Pappus, Mathematicae collectiones , Book 7. For a statement of the problem see Add MS 6784 f. 24 (...) is 'the cutting-off of an area', as set out in Pappus, Mathematicae collectiones , Book 7. In Commandino's (...) ', as set out in Pappus, Mathematicae collectiones , Book 7. In Commandino's edition of 1588 (...) ', as set out in Pappus, Mathematicae collectiones , (Pappus 1588) , Book 7. For a statement (...) off of a ratio', as set out in Pappus, Mathematicae collectiones (Pappus 1588) , Book 7 (...)
10. Bélidor, Bernard Forest deNouveau cours de mathématique à l' usage de l' artillerie et du génie : où l' on applique les parties les plus utiles de cette science à la théorie et à la pratique des différens sujets qui peuvent avoir rapport à la guerre1757/echo/fr/Belidor_1757_R04RNX9Y.xml2013-07-26T21:18:16.673Zfraecho
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Hit summary: (...) pour cela diſpenſé de rendre compte ici du Livre en gé- néral d’une maniere plus détaillée, & des (...) leſquels on opere. On voit encore dans le même Livre un uſage important des décimales dans (...) Dans le ſecond Livre, je traite des raiſons ou rapports arithmétiques & géométriques, des (...) peut retirer de l’étude de l’ Al- gebre. Enfin je termine ce Livre par un Traité complet des (...) calcul des Incommenſurables. Dans le troiſieme Livre, je commence à traiter de la Géométrie, &amp (...)

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